Race is not a Biological Category

Race is not a valid biological category. There are people in support of this, while a significant population also maintains a different on the same matter. Personally, I concur, in totality, with this statement. There numerous, conspicuous realities that point to the truth in respect of race, society and biology. Essentially, cultural positions, as distinct as they are in separate social settings, define people as racially connected or disconnected.

Firstly, black men, white men and red Indians, among many others, do not show any distinction in their genetic compositions. Human genes look like human genes. There exists no difference in the genetic content of persons on the basis of their racial groupings. Besides, the appearance of the skin, hair and other physical aspects of a human being go by the environmental exposure an individual. Race finds its firmest anchoring on such aspects. These are physiological processes, not biological, in nature. Thirdly, people of different races want to appear more important than the others. This is what generates unbearable, racial hostility because of stereotypes that lead to racism, without which race has little significance. Furthermore, there is more variation within a race than across races. Moreover, different members of unlike races can interbreed successfully without any difficulty (Cartmill 1999)-a real biological test.

In short, race is a creation of human beings who view one another as non-identical on the basis of their physical differences. Race is culturally constructed and has no biological weight. Different social classes and human stereotypes are major recipes of racial significance. This, unfortunately, does not constitute any biological aspect of the phenomenon, race. Simply, race is not a valid biological category.

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