Writing a Critique – It’s really an Analysis

If you understand the term “analysis,” then you will have a much easier time of it when an instructor requires that you prepare a critique. Think of the last time you read a movie critique. The reviewer most likely pointed out strengths or positive elements of the movie, and, as well, pointed out weaknesses - in plot, characters, theme, special effects etc. In the same way that a movie reviewer approaches his task, so will you approach the task of review writing relative to a piece of fiction or non-fiction that you have been assigned to read and critique. Basically, you will be required to analyze various aspects of the piece and to provide a written review of each one.

The assignment to critique papers, articles, pieces of literature, etc. may be very specific. Your instructor may want you to focus on only one aspect. For example, if you are to provide a research article critique, you may be looking at a highly technical piece of writing. You may be asked to analyze the research methodology and critique the validity of it as well as comment upon the “nuisance factors” that may skew the results somewhat. If you are asked to critique a piece of literature, you may be required to focus only upon character development. Were the characters “believable?” Were they “round” or “flat?” Did the character development enhance the plot and/or theme or weaken it? 

Critique papers and essays are often a difficult genre of writing for students. They require full understanding of the work to be critiqued, as well as some solid critical thinking skills. Then, of course, there is the organization of ideas and appropriate presentation in formal English composition. Any one of these parts can confuse and/or trouble the writer. 


Many students know that finding an example article critique, at least in a somewhat related topic field, will help. A good source for such examples can be an online custom essay company, where one can make a request, conduct a keyword search and buy example article critique writing for a relatively cheap price. While these may not be exactly on topic for one’s assignment, they will nevertheless show how a solid critique is developed and presented. 

A favorite assignment of teachers and professors is to ask students to read an article by a well-known individual (Michael Moore, Steven Forbes, Warren Buffett, etc.) and to provide a critique, or analysis of the main points made. Are they valid? Do they have statistics to back their points?  Where is their evidence that what they state is important for the American public to consider? In effect, you will be produce review article writing that critiques their articles. Again, look for examples wherever you can find them. There is nothing wrong in emulating the styles of others, so long as you do not plagiarize!