Fargo Movie

Every day films of different kinds are shown on TV: touching melodramas, entertaining comedies, frightening horror, exciting action films, unforgettable thrillers, true- to- life historical films, educational documentaries. They are so various that can suit different tastes. Some films grab our attention from the very first moment, some seem to be a drag. This paper is devoted to the movie shot by Coen brothers in 1996.

"Fargo" - the award-winning Coen brothers film. It was nominated seven times for "Oscar" and twice it was for Best Original Screenplay (Joel and Ethan Coen) and Best Actress (Frances McDormand). "Fargo" takes place 76 in the list of 250 best movies of all time according to IMDB and there it is higher than any other picture Coen. The film is based on real events that occurred in the town Fargo Minnesota in the seventies of the twentieth century. Car Sales Manager Jerry Landegaardu to realize their ambitions, you need a large sum of money. He hires two guys who have kidnapped his wife and demand ransom from her father, a wealthy businessman. It's very simple, nothing special even comprehend. The kidnappers - desperate guys, do not lose time in vain. No sooner said than done. But life is full of surprises. People often make a misstep, but not always, they have serious consequences. When this happens, we say, "Tough luck." But life is full of surprises. People often make a misstep, but not always, they have serious consequences.

"Fargo" is striking in its tangible coldness, kilometers of pale blue frost cloth - and brutality, fatality, the inevitability of stupidity running a chain of events. Despite the fact that the respectable Americans from the Coen again got the story turned out so believable that cheating brothers about "based on a true story" long to unravel. One of the major chip "Fargo" is that as a person who has to unravel, serves pregnant policewoman (Frances McDormand), which gives the film a touch of idiocy or militant humanism - who knows, we all Coen always mixed. For example, the fall of Jean frightened to death from the stairs is laughable. That deadpan, it was a foolish person Marge Gunderson - the last bastion of justice, an island of calm in a stormy space movie. The Coens set against a rustic-looking woman-tank on all the evil in the world - and offer us to see this.

In the first part of the movie, Jerry might be called the main character, because he talks to kidnappers, solves his family problems. It may seem that the whole movie is based on Jerry. However, the directors exaggerated his role; and in the second part they paid more attention to Police Chief and Marge. This movie has some particular deepness, because the directors are not striving to show the viewers all the relationships, they are slowly approaching it. There is not only one side of relationship: between man and woman, but also between relatives. For example, relationships between Jerry and his father-in-law; besides, Jerry had business relationships with kidnappers.

Almost every frame of an attempt to capture on film microplastics spilled into the living space of a substance not fixable ordinary looking and not amenable to "directing" (one can not, in fact, train a mosquito so that he performed the dance in front of the lens). Attention impassive, almost always fixed camera shifts from the psychological nuances of acting on not differentiated, viscous and mobile environment in which the body dissolve characters. Even close up, it would seem, are given to the actor's emotions, from the Coen turns into a supersized detail - the pores of the skin, iris, living their lives, independent of the will of the character. This feature of Cohen's vision explains the weird name of their new movie - in Fargo, located on the border of North Dakota and Minnesota (home state of brothers), is only the first stage, and then he does not figure in the plot. In the Coen scene is always more important actors (the same logic peculiar to the name "Pass Miller"), and even in the film, named after the main character ("Barton Fink"), the true hero is unbearably stuffy room finca spontaneously peel off the wallpaper and unknown where flown to Los Angeles by mosquitoes. The specific treatment of the body as devoid of well-defined boundaries in the space of spilled substance Coen brothers borrowed from the tradition of American film noir. In the "film noir" weak-willed characters were puppets in the power of evil rock ("Force of Evil" - this is the eloquent name of one of the finest examples of the genre, shot by Abraham Polonsky in 1948). The influence of the tradition of film noir easily guessed, not only in frighteningly accurate stylizations "Just as the blood" and "Pass Miller" (their obvious sources - "Double Indemnity," Billy Wilder, "The Big Sleep" Howard Hawks, and other classics of American films of the second half of the forties - the early fifties), but also in the storyline "Fargo." History manager Jerry tune out the kidnapping of his wife, to assign the ransom paid by the rich father-in refers to the "cool" prose Kane, Chandler and Hammett, which served as a source of subjects for filmmakers of "film noir".

In fact, the film can be described in two words - simple story. Everything happens by itself, without the active participation of someone else, as if by mistake. No one does not affect the events, even the police - just a bystander. They are not too smart and perceptive, but only react to an event that is one step ahead of their thought. It ends very casually, thoughtlessly, by accident.

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